Since I last worked on the halftonreviews design, I really haven’t done much web work (or anything of note that went through to completion). I’ve started and stopped some different designs, but never really had a focus for anything major. I did some minor tweaking to a theme for our local alumni association, but nothing I’d consider earth-breaking or shattering. Probably a total of 45 minutes.
My friend Daniel has developed some modeling software called CurveExpert. He’s had it for a few years, and this was his site to sell it originally – It’s all manually done html, low on graphics, and *gasp* ugly. He didn’t even have a proper domain! He asked me when he started working on the update to the software what he should do in terms of webhosting, as well as site design. I suggested that he move to WordPress, PHPBb (for user forums), and get a VPS similar to me (he’s fairly decently versed in Linux. So he dove right in. He used the default WordPress theme initially, but went shopping for a theme for the “final release” of his software.
So, about a week ago, he wanted to get the forums to match up with the main site. I told him that I’d take care of it for him. I just finished up last night. Check out the finished product at and
It was a good exercise, because I’m going to wind up doing something similar with my gaming community’s site. We changed providers and the old webmaster has stepped aside. He builds sites using Rails (a newer method of coding), and I can’t seem to get it to run on our new host. Not to mention we had a very disjointed feel between all sections of our site. So, I’m going to start integrating things together, and needed the experience of editing a forum template. Hopefully this will go somewhat easier than the last one!